Zoë Kravitz is The Batman
My ★★★★ review of The Batman on Letterboxd.
Zoë Kravitz makes Selina Kyle the princess of Gotham City.
From the moment she walks on screen, she has a pronounced magnetism that feels entirely electric. So eclectic, that the internet has not paused for even a second to talk about something else. With inspirational notes from the Catwomen before her, still, what Kravitz creates is completely new.
A brooding and sad Bruce Wayne with something to prove is simply an overture to Kravitz’s scene-stealing. She breathes new life into the character and tastefully remedies some of the most all-consuming and violent scenes. Self-assured and purposeful, but she never takes herself too seriously.
Avid superhero movie watchers and enjoyers alike know that women who are love interests in these films tend to be pawns for their male counterparts. They give them something to fight for, and a reason to save the world. Something to make it all worth it. Zoë Kravitz’ Selina Kyle is no pawn. Her individuality and her poise in her singularity are striking and quite frankly— fucking awesome.
Perhaps most impressive, Kravitz is willfully intentional about Selina Kyle expressing queerness. Interpreting the character as bisexual allows a side to Catwoman we’ve only seen in the comics truly come to life on the big screen. Strong displays of queerness in superhero films are quite unlikely as audiences are used to infamous, painfully heterosexual plot points. To Zoë Kravitz, that is merely a challenge to be accepted. Without pausing a second of her charming portrayal, she coolly adds immeasurable value to the character. She allows herself to appeal to an audience that deserves to be represented.
As a queer person myself, there’s nothing quite as gratifying as seeing a new queer character on screen you can see yourself in and share with the world. There’s an enchanting brilliance in the community characters like Kravitz’s Selina Kyle create online. A properly unifying experience with queer joy at the forefront.
If not convincing enough, even Taylor Swift took the time to watch The Batman in between re-recording her albums. Calling Zoë Kravitz “THE CAT WOMAN OF DREAMS.” Selina Kyle is a character even The Busiest Blondie has time to praise. She’s a character we can all relate to, and anything relatable is a daily scroller on the internet’s favorite muse, (you know what I mean?)
Ultimately, what makes Kravitz so captivating is her uncompromising ability to hold your eye. You physically can’t look away from her. You can totally try, but good luck. It’s not a task for the faint of heart. It's one of those performances that make you remember where you were when you saw it for the first time.
After seeing Zoë Kravtiz’ Selina Kyle in The Batman, all I can think about is the next time I’m going to see it again. To go back in even more bright-eyed than the previous viewing. Just to be reunited with Catwoman once more is enough nostalgia alone to propel you through this three-hour-long achingly emo experience.
Until next time.
Editors note: Zoë Kravitz has since faced criticism online for her behavior with minors and her statement on Will Smith at the Oscars.